As a culture we love food. It's so tightly interwoven into the fabric of our lives it's disorienting to separate food from our emotions. We know we shouldn't eat the cake (or chips, or soda, etc. etc.) but we just do it anyway. WHY?

The Stop Bingeing program helps you peel back the layers of emotional eating and take control of your life in 60 days or less.

This is not your typical online course that you buy and forget about. You wouldn't be here if you didn't want to see actual change in your life. So to get that, we work together in cohorts. You don't have to do this alone!

Research increasingly shows that food is addictive. If you can answer yes to any of the below questions, you might struggle with food addiction. 

-Can't stop eating even if you're full

-Thinking a lot about food and what you'd like to eat

-Eating differently alone than in groups

-Binge eating and then compensating later by skipping meals or exercising

-Feeling guilt or shame after or while eating

Get a feel for Lindsay and the course in this candid video 👇

>>>Ask yourself this question...How much money do you spend every week on food you crave? How much time do you spend thinking about what you want to eat or won't let yourself eat? Now add that up year after year.

Staying stuck will cost you way more than this course. 💸

At my worst, I was spending around $120 a week on restaurants, candy, coffee, and alcohol. That's nearly $500 a month! And nearly $6,000 a year!! I "couldn't afford" the dentist, new clothes, or regular haircuts but I sure found the money for the junk I wanted.

Save yourself all that wasted money and time by breaking the chain of emotional eating for good. Your future self will thank you!

stop binge eating 4 step system treat overeating

"Lindsay's class changed my life! She is a special person and I hope to make a difference in other people's lives like she did in mine." -Ali D.

"Lindsay is a gift from God! Her encouraging messages always seem to be there at just the right time and are exactly what I didn't know I needed. Her voice is so soothing and it just makes me feel good inside. Thank you so much, Lindsay!" -Maycen P.

Here's what you get:

>Exclusive access to the simple 3 step process for understanding and conquering your cravings including a checklist to make sure you stay on track for the results you're looking for

>An hour of video lessons by Lindsay broken up into smaller sections plus supplemental materials that complement the course

>8 mp3 audio affirmation and alarm tones to download straight to your phone that will keep you motivated throughout the course (You won't find this anywhere else!) Check out an example HERE

>Instant download of the pdf workbook with diagrams, images, worksheets, and reflection questions designed to make the process simple

>Access to bonus materials including printables, an extra video explaining the 1 thing most people miss when creating a vision board, and an E-book guide to controlling your cravings

>All the knowledge and tools you need to end your cravings and stop wasting time counting calories and clocking cardio hours

>Lifetime access to the course material which is updated regularly so you can come back to learn new things or get a motivation boost any time you want

>Freedom from the yo-yo diet hamster wheel

If you want something you've never had, you'll have to do something you've never done. While the 3 steps are simple, they aren't easy. I can't promise you easy. But I can promise that the investment you make over the next 60 days will reward you for the rest of your life.

If you're tired of the constant background noise in your head of calories, guilt, shame, and frustration, then what are you waiting for? All of that could be gone in just 60 days.

"I could tell from the beginning that I was going to learn a ton but I didn't know the impact this class would have on my future. Thank you, Lindsay!" -Ethan S.

Course Curriculum

  Introduction: How To Get the Most Out Of Your Course-Don't Skip This 👇
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Part 1: Start With Why
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Part 2: Break It Down
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Part 3: Get Personal
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Part 4: Keep Your Momentum
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Frequently Asked Questions
Available in days
days after you enroll

"Lindsay has a peace about her and I feel calm when I hear her. I admire how open and vulnerable she is!" - Kendra U.

"Lindsay's class was a blessing and very beneficial. Lindsay is an amazing person and an amazing teacher! I hope she never stops teaching and inspiring!" -Sylva U.

Select a pricing plan and sign up

Lindsay Boynton emotional eating coach, binge eating treatment

Hi, I’m Lindsay!

Welcome to your path of freedom! My struggle with food addiction began as a child when I would sneak food out of the kitchen. As I got older, I began using food as a comfort, but would feel guilty after binging. I spent a decade yo-yo dieting and trying to out-work a bad diet through exercise. Rather than using my energy for work, family, or creative endeavors, I silently suffered in a cycle of self destruction afraid of appearing weak or ill. In 2014, I began work on my doctorate in leadership. Through hours of reading, reflecting, researching, trying and failing and trying again, I began to work my way out of the mud pit of despair. I learned the way our brains operate and how to retrain our thought patterns. I applied this information to myself and broke the chains of self sabotage. I now teach this method to hundreds of people seeking freedom just like you.